[Approved] Near Venezuela [June]

Yes, it is most definitely due to the use of a template, the webpage has been updated very frequently in the past weeks :slight_smile:


Thanks for your proposal and detailed report Fritz.

Also thanks for addressing some of the questions from fellow Council Member Dacha.

I think that we need to distinguish between two separate things, both of each are eligible for funding, although perhaps on different proposals or from different funding avenues:

  1. Funding a Community Group: broad marketing initiatives that can drive growth for the NEAR ecosystem, in this case in a specific region. Examples: meetups, hackathons, content creation, etc.

  2. Funding of individual projects. Here we could add a further distinction: First would be funding marketing initiatives - things that promote them in a way that also promote the broader growth of the NEAR ecosystem. Second, funding the projects operations and general development (engineering, etc.). We can only fund the former.

Seems to me that the point of contention is whether we are funding the Guild overall activities or the Guild AND the development of all these projects.

A couple other factors to take into account:

  • The market has changed significantly, we have to be very mindful of all funding (an expense on the NEAR Foundation side)
  • LATAM regional hub has just been granted a budget to expand operations in the region, the fund includes incubating select projects with potential.

I would suggest revising the amount being requested and the scope of the use of funds: bring the amount down and ensure it is for onboarding new people, etc.

For all the individual projects, I suggest they either apply for funding directly to us - important in terms of accountability - or connect with the LATAM Hub to explore getting funding for product development from them.

Batching all these projects along with the Guild operations puts the Council I a very hard spot as we don’t want to hold up the entire proposal for questions of any one project.

Overall, I am excited by the governance structure that has been implemented and the palpable growth in the region. Looking forward to identifying the best way to move this proposal forward.


Hello! Thanks for the extended feedback.

The development of the projects is done with funding from the projects and not from the Marketing DAO.

I thought this should make sense as these projects are many and with 10K how could we help project development?

I am adding the list of projects because with the onboarding help and promotional activities we do, we onboarded nearcomers into NEAR with projects or get cross collaborations with guild members into projects or just added projects into our list of projects we want to help to be known (Marketing activities)

1 Like

We are growing thanks to promotional and marketing activities, we invited many members into Near University, we created content, and ran several AMAs. We are an important Guild doing great work and having big achievements as you could see and give great feedback from the last report @Dacha @cryptocredit

The LATAM Hub is taking into account the following countries: Colombia and Argentina.

We might like to get help and maybe apply to be the Venezuelan Hub, but we have not received feedback regarding it @Grace

Thanks! You can take a ride into the DAO to check all the great interactions :wink:

So, you partners approved funding when we had fewer metrics of success and fewer projects, even so it feels like we need to back down now? @so608 @Dacha @marketingdao-council

Even though we grow and we want to keep with the same budget but offering to accomplish more metrics and to promote more projects?

How much should it be and which metrics are important to you?


I can’t approve this. There’s just a lot here.

Can you narrow down to supporting a few of these initiatives and clarifying exaclty what you will do for each these?

  • Number of videos
  • Workshops
  • Bootcamps, etc.

  • Create content that explains the expectations and opportunities offered at Bootcamps (Near University Certifications) through content dissemination.
  • Creation of short videos for Tiktok and Instagram, distributed on Discord, Twitter and Telegram that condense the bootcamp experience, increasing views, likes and other interactions on social networks.
  • Creation of long videos for Youtube focused on frequently asked questions, webinars, and guiding information.
  • Creation of written content to spread on Medium and other media outside of NEAR (ie Criptonoticias) increasing the presence of Near dapps in the Blockchain community.
  • Publicize the projects of Guild members and NEAR University (through it promotional content of the human experience in bootcamps)
  • Creation of guides/tutorials about how to use several dapps
  • Running AMAs, Webinars, and promotion activities
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Hehe yeah we are doing a lot! :cowboy_hat_face: :rocket:

So, basically we are offering the following metrics:

And this is the way we will distribute funding, just like we did on the last month thanks to your suppport from Marketing DAO, you can check the report here, and you can expect even more that we gain experienced and organization.

We are using a successful reward distribution design we learnt from OWS:

Focus Activity Reward
Write-up Articles about NEAR Projects/Guidelines on how to interact with NEAR/NEAR Projects 40 USD per 500 words
Videos Create a video going over NEAR related topics/projects, technical tutorials, guides, etc 35 USD (around 5 minutes)
Videos Create a short video working on a dapp 20 USD
Design Create an infographic for a project 20 USD
Design Banners or similar simple designs 15 USD
Design Illustrations 25-50 USD
Promotion Share post on different community groups (outside NEAR Community) 3 USD
Translations Adding Subtitles To A Video 40 USD (per 30 min)
Translations A tweet/small post/message 2 USD (per tweet)
Translations A Piece of NEAR related Content 25 USD (per 500 words)
Referrals Refer a Nearcomer 5 USD (once the participant gets the certification NCA)
Referrals Refer a Developer 20 USD (once the developer gets the certification NCD)
Referrals Refer a Professor 20 USD (once the professor gets the certification NCP)
Vectors and Outreach Setup a Meeting with an external project/university/community 10-150 USD
Engagement Hosting an AMA 70 USD

So, this is basically a continuation of what you already approved here

And where you partners give great feedback from the report here

There is another concern you might have? Will love to solve it :wink: and thank u @marketingdao-council


Thanks for the proposal Fritz. I’ve read through the proposal, reports and comments on the Forum. I agree with what Klint/Taylor said about there being a lot here, which does make it more time-consuming to review and consider. I also agree with what Satandro/AVB said about us needing to understand how the funds are being dispersed, i.e. to support guild activities in general and/or individual projects. I agree that we prefer individual projects to request funding from the Marketing DAO directly, but I also do see how NEAR Venezuela could support them through your social media activities in a supplemental way.

I am generally supportive of approving funding so you can continue for another month, but here are a few things that raised questions for me as I went through all the information here and they are areas I would recommend for improvement going forward:

  1. You funding amount is basically the max that we can distribute. But there’s no clear justification for that number. It looks more like you are asking for the max funding and then figuring out ways to use it vs. figuring out what is needed most and is most effective and then building the funding request from that.
  2. The Twitter account is not very active – there minimal recent tweets and mostly retweets and it’s unclear to me what the value is there. I would recommend creating more compelling content.
  3. I tried to click through to one of the recent Medium articles and got a 404.
  4. The distribution of funds is unclear to me. You give the OWS funding table/chart, but it’s not clear to me how those funds are being assigned and distributed to the content creators. Can you clarify how your DAO chooses what content activities to carry out and fund each month?

If you can provide some additional details about the above, that would be helpful. Also, the questions and feedback are not meant to call the proposal or intentions into question at all, but when we receive complex proposals for the max funding amount, I think we have a responsibility to understand everything so we can be sure we are doing our due diligence before allocating the community’s funds.


Hello! =) thanks for your support

  1. So, this is key to understand, we have many members with different projects, and we as a community can distribute funding to them.

@ramgor @ame9986 @LuisAponte99 with https://cripteros.com/ creating content and spreading information
@Arturoahs with a big team on their own traveling all the country doing vector and outreach with institutions
@user1 leading AMAs reaching different projects like even from NearHispano @cloudmex-alan and our list of NearVenezuela
@Mineriavirtual giving guidance on Marketing and Community Management has been onboarding Nearcomers who had been able to help with video content creation

There are more members you can check from the spreadsheet and the DAO payouts

The main goal is to help the Community Growth by onboarding with the help of Near University and at the same time help new projects to be known

We have all recorded and public from the DAO and from the Approved Proposal where you can check replies. I just organize it to be easy to read on the Report.

I found difficult to understand that we received the approval on the last month, we did deliver what we promised using the table to guide this big project, and now that we are offering even more with the same budget is when we are having resistance.

We are very big now, so we can support much more members and growth if we can receive more funding but as 10K is the maximum amount we need to go with that for now, and make the best use for that funding.

  1. About Twitter, we have good engagement from the community, we use the account to spread the word of the Projects being builded and the Onboarding we are doing.

About Twitter account
From just some minutes ago:

Rust AMA from two weeks ago to check engagement:

  1. About write-ups 404, I had 2 wrong links, thank u for pointing it out, now fixed:

7 claps
You can check good engagement there with 62 claps

  1. So about distribution of funds, we have that table as an standard to go and decide how much to paid individuals for their contribution. We receive all the projects on discussion with the community and we give the green like to go. We have sub-teams that review the contributions to give feedback and approve or reject. We have several rules in place.

This is a copy of the spreadsheet we are using to gather information and make decisions:

Totally agree.

Wish to share some facts:

  1. We are building decentralization (Our DAO is real in use full of members)
  2. We are promoting projects being builded in the Near Ecosystem
  3. We are onboarding properly (Near University)
  4. We are transparent (Giving little reports into the approved proposal + DAO + final report)
  5. We deliver what we promise, as you give us good feedback from our report regarding the last funding from Marketing DAO

I hope we can even help Marketing DAO metrics if this came into importance when giving reports to NF.

Big hug, and



@marketingdao-council please, can you help us to understand the comparison and explain to us if we got a mistake when you approved us last April: [APPROVED] NEAR VENEZUELA MARKETING [April] I mean if there is something wrong with our report or with the last approved proposal from April so we can look how to fix it.

Just to make clear that this is not about the list of dapps, those were dapps onboarded by us, where we have Venezuelan members as team members. I want us to focus on what is asked and what is promised.

  1. What NF gave thanks to you partners: $10.000 USD (April)
  2. What we promised:

Report from what we did in May: [Report] Near Venezuela [April-May]

Now we just make a bigger compromise with the Near Community promising even more:

  1. Our ask this time: same $10.000 USD
  2. What we are promising now:

If you check the last report you will see we deliver more than what we promised

You can also check that we keep working even without funding, that we really love to be part of NEAR, and we just believe we can help NEAR even more if we can receive your help.

Big hug

  • I can not support this project because @eviejugo hasn’t provided a report for Marketing DAO;
  • I can’t support the promo campaign for not-working dAPPs.

Last time the list was:

So, I can immediately support the list again if you reduce total budget, because we already spent 10k dollars on promotion.

Ps: glad to see how contributors from LATAM countries will have own grants program to cover expenses.

Need to move a pin from Colombia/Peru to Venezuela :grin:


HI Fritz,

Thanks for all the work you are doing.

Following discussions with other Council Members, I’d like to note that there are two separate streams of work:

  1. Guild Work: Promoting and Growing NEAR Ecosystem
  2. Individual Projects building

The guild work we are willing to fund, individual projects are beyond the scope of the Marketing DAO. Give the current market conditions, we are willing to offer $5,000. We expect that you prioritise among all the projects to create the highest amount of value possible for the ecosystem.

Apologies, for the delay. Let u know if these revised amount is acceptable so we can proceed to approve.


Hahaha, the LATAM HUB is not considering Venezuela, just Argentina and Colombia, even tho we promised the following to be there:

Let’s do something here, we can take out the EVIE Marketplace in our scope. There is a team of Venezuelan developers building it, they received a grant for development. But if they are not responsive with the Marketing DAO we will not support. I will take that out now.

It is to receive feedback so those dApps can improve, but I will review and take those dapps out

Ok, good, lets do something, what about reducing it to the half? And asking the funding for 2 months operations. It will be $5000 USD per month, and bi-monthly asking.

Done, now we can count with your support? :love_you_gesture:


Yes, this is all for the Guild partners, these are opportunities for the community to participate and help the growth of the NEAR Ecosystem. Guided by a table with activities and rewards, plus a list of projects to help with their activities. They sometimes go out from that list, like the previous month @user1 helped Nativo NFT marketplace running AMA and then building a marketing campaign hehehe, but Nativo NFT is from Mexico, LATAM, and we all help each other.

Thank u, this can be given bi-monthly? $10,000 each 2 months?

It will help our interaction, and this way we can keep the metrics proposed.

This way you can receive still 1 report each month, and the next funding proposal to be for August-September with a resume of the reports.

Thanks for your trust :100:


Really??? Big mistake because, in my opinion, the pivotal guild in South America is located in Venezuela.

Moved to approved. $5k for June. Have a great day!


Yeap, thanks for such a nice opinion about us. We will keep building on NEAR thanks to the amazing NEAR community and thanks to your help partners.

Here is the poll on AstroDAO



Hola comunidad de Near, un placer saludarles nuevamente, en esta ocasión les presentare un listado con los aporte realizados por mi persona en el mes de mayo y junio para los distintos proyecto que están en ejecución actualmente en NEAR Venezuela Guild.

Free horses: Para este proyecto he realizado 15 Banner varios entre, banners informativos, AMAS y concursos.
15 usd por banner = 225 usd

(Anexare algunos de ellos)

Near P2P: Se realizó una infografía, tipo story Word, que explica ¿Cómo construir un proyecto en la WEB 3.0 con NEAR?
Infografia tipo Story Word = 30 usd

Near Venezuela: Se diseñaron 3 Banners para AMAS
15 usd por cada banner = 45 usd

Global Near Educations: Para este proyecto se realizó un logo con variante de colores ya aprobado para el proyecto mencionado.
Costo del logo a tener en cuenta los siguientes factores:

  • Tipografía única, al ser una fuente hecha a mano vectorizada trazo por trazo.
  • Enviado en todos los formatos correspondientes.
  • Paleta de colores establecida e identificada por código en 7 tonalidades distintas.
  • Escala de grises establecida en 5 degradaciones.
  • Todos los elementos anteriores se encuentran separados en alta resolución.
    Costo: 100 usd

**Total: **
18 Banner. 270 usd banner junio - Google Drive
1 Story Word Tipo Infografía. 30 usd
1 Logo. 100 usd
Total: 400 usd


Awesome as always. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Buenos días a toda la comunidad de Near, espero se encuentren bien, hoy les presento las actividades realizadas en este mes, con sus alcances y métricas.

5 AMAs. Este mes iniciamos la búsqueda de personas que quieran contribuir con la comunidad y que estén interesadas en trabajar en la web 3.0, por ello, al inicio se les invita a realizar una presentación en el canal de telegram, después se les ubica dependiendo de sus habilidades en las distintas áreas (marketing, traducciones, entre otras) y se les pide realizar una propuesta para contribuir con la comunidad en donde se especifique alcance de la propuesta y redes sociales donde se va a difundir la información, para explicarles como se debía realizar la propuesta se realizaron 5 AMA donde se realizaron preguntas, se explico como se trabaja en la web3.0 y se analizaron propuestas.
Los AMAs realizados en twitter no se pueden visualizar, puesto que, la grabación en twitter tiene una duración de 30 días.
En el caso de los otros AMAs, que no se si podrían considerarse Amas, fueron en vivos en Meet y en el grupo de telegram de marketing, porque se estaba asesorando a las personas que estaban interesadas en participar en la comunidad y gracias a ellos, hoy tenemos en la comunidad gente de calidad que esta colaborando y dando lo mejor de sí.

En las fotos se ven los llamados en los AMAs que realizaron por diferentes medios en las últimas fotos se puede apreciar la duración del último AMA duración de dos horas

Adjunto los resultados de esos AMAs , los participantes realizaron vídeos para los distintos proyectos de Near

A pesar de realizar 5 AMAs solo cobraré 2 de los realizados

Conversa 3
conversacion  1
conversacion 2

Costo: $140

En el Instagram de Near Venezuela, se publicaron 2 reels y un post. Aquí les dejo los links:

Login • Instagram [Login • Instagram
Login • Instagram

Reel 1:


Reel 2

Costo: $0

Asesorías individuales para las personas que estaban elaborando propuestas

Costo: $0

Aprobación y rechazo de las propuestas, les dejo las que más me gustaron

Metricas NEAR Protocol.pdf (340.4 KB)
Near Airdrop.pdf (354.9 KB)
Propuesta Telegram Near Protocol.pdf (402.0 KB)
Discord protocol…pdf (492.7 KB)
Memes enviados por las personas que participaron en las propuestas


Infografías de los cursos que se ofrecen (NCA, NCD, NCP)ya que las personas que están interesadas, siempre presentan dudas sobre los temas que se ven o el trabajo que se debe realizar para lograr la certificación

Costo: 3 infografías $60

4 post con 14 diseños sencillos para dar publicidad al proyecto de Free Horses





Costo: 12 diseños sencillos $180

Trabajo realizado
5 AMAs solo se cobrarán 2: $140
12 diseños sencillos $180
3 infografías $60
Total $380

WALLET: nabi22.near


Hello, NEAR Community Venezuela.

Claim 1

Type of activity: Report of activities as promoter of Free Horses from 06/28/2022 to 07/31/2022.

Week of 06/28/2022 to 07/03/2022

During that week I received a very thorough induction by @jblm Julián Mostacero about the Free Horses project, the management of Discord, Twitter and Telegram, as a promoter for three hours a day, every day of the week, for a month, In addition to guiding me to manage these networks more naturally, additional meetings were held with the team to fine-tune the strategies in terms of the topics to be covered.

Week of 07/04/2022 to 07/10/2022

During this period, I was notified that my probationary period had been approved, so I had to continue performing the activities as before. Additionally I received an induction via Zoom on Thursday 07/07/2022, where it was requested the creation of a new twitter account in order that all content created would be in English, therefore on Friday 08/07/2022 I proceeded to create a new twitter account, which is: @Freyja_GoddessM. I leave some links of the tweets sent during this week.

Week from 07/11/2022 to 07/17/2022

During this period we continued with the interaction in Discord, Twitter and Telegram, being of great joy for me, see how the numbers of the account on Twitter grew, having a week of created, the interactions reached 2,649, the visits to the profile 2,452, I have a main follower, which for me is an honor to have @NearGuru_ which has on twitter with more than 40,000 followers and is one of the main influencers of NEAR Protocol, I also have some followers from the NEAR community, then I leave a screenshots and links to tweets, with which you can verify the information.

Week from 07/18/2022 to 07/24/2022

In this period the interactions on Twitter continued to grow and during it I learned to write the threads on Twitter, thanks to my good friend Julián Mostacero, who patiently explained to me how to make them, which helped me a lot, since in many occasions I was short of words to explain, being this a very useful tool, to talk about the projects in more detail, in addition to continue contributing my interaction in Discord and Telegram, I attended several AMA that were held during this period, being of great benefit to continue learning within NEAR. I leave links to tweets corresponding to this week.

Week from 07/25/2022 to 07/31/2022

In the referred period I reached 10K interactions with my Twitter account, it is exciting to track the numbers, as a promoter, the aim is that the shared content reaches as many people as possible, These are really good numbers, for an account that is not even a month old since its creation. Additionally my tweets were seen by certified accounts within Twitter which indicates that the information published is of interest and importance, I attach screenshots corresponding to such information and the respective links to the tweets.

Personally I like the work I have been doing with the Free Horses team, it is important to note that the work of promoter is constant, never stops, you have to be as attentive as possible to all interactions in the three media mentioned above, also daily you learn many things, encouraging those of us who like to read and investigate. Personally I thank Julián Mostacero, whom I have already named on several occasions, @Mineriavirtual Frank Cardenas and @jurbinaper Jesús Urbina, for the inductions, classes, AMAs and all the information provided with the promoters, also for the opportunity provided, in this month I take the gratification of having learned a lot.

In addition, I leave the link to the table with the report, which we were asked to fill in, with all the information corresponding to our activities and interaction on Discord and Twitter.

Link to Result:

Estimated Reward 50$.

Wallet: millyrodriguez.near
Discord: Milly Rodriguez#3766


I totally support your claim :100: :clap:

Thanks for your contribution :love_you_gesture: :beers: