Flying Rhino Guild December 2021 Roundup

December was an amazing end to the year and an incredible time of transition and evolution for Flying Rhino Guild- not only did we make the finalist list for the Gen C Marketing competition, but we are excited to announce that as of January 1, 2022, the Flying Rhinos will be transitioning to a DAO LLC!

We will no longer be a guild as a part of the NEAR Guild program and will be our own independent crypto social media marketing company. This is amazing news for both us and the signs of community development and power we have been able to cultivate with the support of NEAR Foundation. We are truly grateful and honored to have such support and help.

As we transition, we will be continuing with the majority of our current clients and as official NEAR partners, particularly when it comes to marketing and social media. The Flying Rhino team is excited to keep making headway in the NEAR ecosystem and beyond. Without further ado, here is our roundup of our last month as a NEAR Guild :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

New Hires:
-We officially had to hire another graphic designer as our client load got too big :grin: Everyone please welcome Harry from Vietnam and proud NEAR Mates account manager and designer! We are pumped to have him on board.

New Clients/Onboarding:
-Tamago, an up and coming decentralized music streaming service
-NEAR Hub, the metaverse community we’ve been waiting for
-C1 Guild, spreading NFTs to everyone!
-Oin Finance, just the baddest and one of the most foundational DeFi platforms in the ecosystem
-Muti Collective, caring for artists and helping onboard to Web3

New Services Offered:
*The Flying Rhinos have added a Promotional Service to our repertoire! Details: -
Creation of a curated and personalized promotional blueprint, including the flying rhino strategy, potential partnerships, channels within Twitter, Discord, Telegram, the NEAR forum, and other platforms to shill and share desired information, and overall view of what the Flying Rhinos can offer
-Weekly check ins on the Flying Rhino progress with applicable promotional feedback (for example, lists of accounts that have shared a tweet, partnerships made, calls hand, posts created, etc)
-Connecting the project with other partners that would be helpful or relevant in the ecosystem
-Ensuring official promotion from NEAR Protocol to the best of both parties abilities
-Daily availability by the flying rhino team for communication
-Advising calls, social media strategy advising, and promotional brainstorming
-End of month roundup and metrics in terms of promotion to showcase

With all that growth in mind, here is December by the numbers:
One on One consultations/meetings held with clients: 19
Weekly Social Media schedules created (includes both tier 1 and tier 2 clients): 38
Social Media Blueprints created: 6
NFT drop competitions held: 1
Memes created: 14
Graphics Created:
Promotional Strategies created: 1 (As this is a new service we have :slight_smile:

Tier 1 Client Metrics:
Bob Boom Comic-

Astro DAO-astro dao analytics december 2021.pdf (484.9 KB)

Minting Music-

Sankore 2.0 Guild- December Analytics for AstroDAO and Sankore - Google Docs

Tamago (service began second week of December)
NEAR Hub and C1 Guild (services began second week of December for both)

Tier 2 Client metrics:
QSTN- Twitter Analytics account overview for qstnus.pdf (3.3 MB)


With up to 3 new clients onboarding already for January, we are busier than ever, which is why we are happy to round out our team to a total of 7!

Cate- CEO/Exec:
-Organizing and managing the Trello tasks for the team for the week
-Working on outreach and internal organization
-Leading weekly team calls
-Initial consults with 5 new partnerships and clients
-Drafted 5 social media blueprints
-Creation of weekly posting/content schedules for 3 clients
-Organized and directed the Flying Rhino transition to a DAO LLC
-Managed and setup the Flying Rhino DAO

-Trained and introduced Sylvia to the Flying Rhino workflow
-Promotional strategy document for Oin Finance and management of promotional service
-Video clipping and uploading for Minting music and Astro DAO from interviews, panels, etc to prepare material for posting
-Worked with Naksh to form a comprehensive LInkedIn strategy and begin daily posting
-Finalized NEAR influencer list

-ItsMyne account management: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Bob Boom account management: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Minting Music account management: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Naksh account management: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Attending weekly team calls
-Unique NFT creation for the guild, as well as successfully completing Twitter airdrop competition
-Daily Flying Rhino account management: daily posting, engagement, communication
-Drafted weekly schedules for all accounts assigned
-Created 25+ original graphics for Instagram stories for ItsMyne
-Created 25 graphics for Flying Rhino account

-Astro DAO account management and onboarding: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Sankore Guild account management and onboarding: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Attending weekly team calls
-Drafted weekly schedules for all accounts assigned

-Created 14 memes for posting
-C1 Guild account management and onboarding: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-NEARHub account management: daily posting, engagement, communication with client, coordinating partnership efforts, outreach efforts, etc
-Working directly with Tamago team to begin social media posting and outreach
-Attending weekly team calls
-Drafted weekly schedules for all accounts assigned

-Weekly graphic creation (final two weeks of the month)
-Sending graphics, blog headers, etc in a timely and professional manner and learning the guild workflow
-Total creation of 20 graphics
-Daily communication with team members
-Drafted Flying Rhino rebrand

-Weekly graphic creation
-Sending graphics, blog headers, etc in a timely and professional manner
-Total creation of 150+ graphics
-Daily communication with team members
-Created an individualized design template for Tamago, NEARHub

December was both successful and an opportunity for learning for everyone! We will be releasing our official 2022 roadmap as a DAO LLC as well as how that structure will function. In the meantime, feel free to comment questions or concerns and reach out for social media marketing help :slight_smile:


Good evening. Could you please pay attention on pictures quality? I can’t understand anything here. Low quality. Chloe’s report.

@Grace @jlwaugh

@marketingdao-council I think we can close some proposals In marketing DAO for C1 and Naksh , because Flying Rhino has already stated work with their social media. Right? Can I mark the proposals as “closed”?


Hi Dacha,

I think this proposal still stands as of now since it’s not really a social media management proposal.



As of January, Flying Rhino is a partner of NEAR and its own independent LLC- if community platforms such as Naksh and C1 choose to hire Flying Rhinos as their social media management firm for January, which they have, they can indeed request marketing DAO funds as they would if they hired any other marketing firm. I apologize for the low quality, I did not realize the document would appear that way upon upload

1.Will your Lcc be founded directly from NF since January 22?

2.Did you make decision transit into LCC, because your guild doesn’t match new tiering system requirements ? And to be able to get unlimited funding from NF?

3.If you work directly with NF people, how your company is going to provide equal access for Near Community members?

4.How other Gulids can apply for social media service? Your new web- site doesn’t have any information about it

5.@Grace @jlwaugh @David_NEAR Does NF have alternative of this LLC for social media service support?

Did anybody compare Flying Rhino prices with other companies?

Is $17 310 a month the best price on the market ?

For example, OWS pays ~$100 for this kind of accounts

75% reposts (and 70% of them - Flying Rhino projects). As an active Astro DAO user I couldn’t find information in this Twitter about new features like comments in proposals and reminders. Why?

Dear @leaves297 do you aware about prices in other companies?

  1. @coyotefugly is a new person in Flying.

Thank You.


No problem, could you please fix it and answer on my questions above?

Thank You

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This is amazing guys, what an awesome kick-off to 2022! :tada:


You can’t compare it with other companies. No other company has the grassroots experience of the NEAR ecosystem.


Just passing by but I know @leaves297 from working together and I think there are a lot of misconceptions that you keep perpetuating throughout the gov forum. I want to preface by saying I appreciate the work you have been doing recently, keeping track of the marketing dao’s activities and activating the gov forum, but I also think you need to try and be less irritating and hostile in the pursuit of being truthful because it turns away people from the community. There is a difference between “could you clarify your relationship with the NF because I don’t know the details and history” and “You are an NF project” “You are trying to get unlimited funding from NF” (i.e. jumping to conclusions first then asking for answers). You are often accusatory & inflammatory, which I know personally is a cause of mental distress for long time community members.

My two cents is that I think you are mischaracterizing the situation, which is that Flying Rhino is transitioning to an LLC because of the general sentiment of uncertainty that pervades the guilds program + and the trouble that comes with depending on changing rules on budgets and reporting systems (not to mention delayed approvals and payments). This is something people in the guilds program generally share. By being an LLC, one is able to become an independent contractor to the NF, individual NEAR projects, and potentially even for projects beyond NEAR. This is something that a guild under the foundation’s budget cannot do. I think she is making a bold and smart move to transition to an LLC and gain more freedom in managing Flying Rhino’s revenue and operations.

It is also a mischaracterization to say Flying Rhino is an “NF project” when Flying Rhino started as an independent guild just like everyone else. There is a relation to the NF because Flying Rhino is carrying on the same clients as before, which are NEAR ecosystem projects + there is funding Flying Rhino can qualify to subsidize marketing costs for smaller NEAR projects that don’t have a separate marketing budget. It’s true that Ozymandius was the one to bring leaves to the NEAR ecosystem - as it is the case for myself and others - but Ozymandius is not even part of the NF, so it is weird to even leap to that conclusion.

Just wanted to clarify that on behalf of my friend.

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How are you doing @rimberjack ?

Thank You, really helpful information. Unfortunately, hard to find out anything. Yes, agree with you, I must be more polite in my questions.

I’m doing well, thank you for asking! Hope your are well too.

And really appreciate that you agree - I am sure many others will appreciate that also. :handshake:

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My bad, sorry about it again.

Wow that’s a big achievement kudus to you guys, we will take near to the top.