[COUNCIL] November Report

This topic is for individual reports of the council members.

My individual report:


  • voted on several proposes in ASTRO, engaged with the team and appreciated the different new projects proposed to Incubadora

Administrative matters

Artist Stipend Program

As the second month as an Incuber, I had the chance to be even more familiar with the NEAR ecosystem and engage with more community members. I’m really excited about the impact Incubadora has generated so far and I am really looking forward to continuing to build our DAO’s growth.

By the way, I ended up the month really happy about our website launch and Poliedro Catalog digital releasing event. Congratulations to Incubadora members, partners and enthusiasts that made it possible!

(Me flying anonymously over the Poliedro Catalog digital launching event at the Marma J parcel of Cryptovoxels :yum:)

Thank you, folks :purple_heart:

I now invite other council members to do the same by replying to this post:
@Samiasns @JulianaM @frnvpr @chaveirinha


Hey hey,

I co-wrote and published this: [IDENTITY] Re-defining Incubadora and its processes - #2 by JulianaM

I also worked on the catalogue, which occupied all the time that I had. Mostly on 2 fronts: the written material and engaging with the designer to solve issues and resolve doubts.

Other than that, I gave my support and opinion in all the decisions the council had to make, participated in meetings, etc.



Thanks for creating this topic @herikalcn :smiley:


  • voted on several proposals, engaged by attending meetings, coordinating TG groups.
  • Co-wrote the Redefinition of Incubadora Identity


  • Co-coordinated the catalogue finalization with the designer, with meetings (feedbacks, double checks and so on)

  • Ideated and organized the Digital Catalogue Launching event: creation of the visuals, coordinating marketing/commns strategy, external relations and pre-production. Also I took care of the streaming and video edition of the music programming, plus I curated the content and co-curated the exhibition view of the CV parcel with Tabea.

Artist Stipend Program

  • Gave support to the Jury of the Stipends and coordinated the Open Call , having participated in the Jury meeting.

I also ended up the month super excited and proud about our collaborative efforts and the amazing outcome of this team!!

Thank you team :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart: