Community Team Updates: The Week Ahead (Week of 24th January)

Thrilled to start the Community Team’s Weekly Update Thread with my priorities for the coming week. Here we go:

  • Complete capturing first round of insights from the Guilds Platform Focus Group. Participants identified and interviews initiated with contributors to original post.

  • Publish Forum Post detailing the evolution of the Business on NEAR DAO.

  • Work out the structure and scope of a Project Pipeline Support Strategy with the Ecosystem Success and Info Teams.

  • Finalize the post-launch adoption strategy and self-reporting model by Guild leaders for the Guilds Platform with @shreyas.

  • Chart out the next phase of development of NEAR Pulse and launch a product integration experiment plan with NEARWEEK.

  • Create a Loom video introducing my role as Community Activation and Adoption Specialist and publish the same in the comments of Info Team 2022 Resolutions


Thanks for kicking this off, Harshit!

Priority for the following week:

  • Main priority- successfully launching Guilds platform(soft launch)
  • Helping Harshit and Jessica with guild adoption strategy for the on-chain platform
  • Guilds onboarding
  • On going partner sync from this week

Thanks, Harshit!

For next week:

  • Identified community support required for top projects
  • FAQ posted in the wiki
  • Finalizing Regional Guilds Playbook for Wiki
  • Marketing for Guilds On-chain platform
  • Finalizing budget and headcount requirements

Next week:

  • Activate team leads regarding Wiki contributions
  • Seek a Wiki consultant
  • Define more community driven pieces for the Wiki
  • Host a DeFi workshop with MutiDAO
  • Start Wiki office hours and kick off call

Thanks Harshit! :v:

Priority for the following week:

  • Final prep with shreyas and Harshit for successfully launching Guilds platform and finalising adoption strategy
  • Guilds onboarding - copper finally fixed?!
  • Finalise funnel requirements for onboarding new users to the guilds ecosystem (with OWS as key stage)
  • Post first ever guilds highlights report (carried over from this week).

Warm Welcome to @chronear :partying_face:, we are so happy to have you in our Community team. We look forward to doing even greater things together!

Thank you for getting us started with our work plan for next week, here are some of my areas of focus:

Next week’s priorities:

Continue: Review and shortlist Tier 1 Guilds eligible for Guilds Grant Program - communicate with grantees

Continue: Confirm Q1 Budget to execute on OKRs
Map out the consolidated onramp process and experience NEAR-OWS

Conduct Performance Reviews.

Develop and Communicate 3 months of ‘Community events’ with @olga_plokhuta

Review and Consolidate the first draft of the New DAO Structure with @chronear


Love the initiative @chronear!

Priorities for next week:

  • Record Loom and begin wide community awareness raising of the NEW PAYOUT PROCESS BEING LIVE AT LAST including a AMA during next Friday’s Guild Office Hours. Here it is, folks: [New Process] Community Payouts

  • Continue 2022 team strategy building work with @shreyas

  • Support @jlwaugh with the evolution of the ETHDenver Community Activations planning - time to get to nailing down details for the NEAR Lounge & virtual programming during BUIDL week (Feb 15-17) :clock1: :wine_glass: :croissant: :burrito: – we have a deadline of this coming week for details to be clearly outlined enough to make it to the event micro-site being built

  • Keep moving on assembling the team road map for the 60-90 days’ initiatives to deliver to the Community on Jan. 31st - with the help of everyone’s project plans and the milestone dates mentioned in them {cc: @Jessica @jcatnear @olpl @jlwaugh @David_NEAR}

  • Execute on assembled odds and ends, i.e.: contine @chronear’s onboarding; work with @David_NEAR on the job description for a Wiki consultant; feedback to @jcatnear on the new Community Onboarding Survey

  • If feasible: meet with select members of DAO Working Group + NEARWEEK to continue the development of the DAO Working Group Use Case to present on Feb. 3