[CLOSED BOUNTY] Gambiarra-Dao Flag Creation

Gambiarra-DAO needs a FLAG for our ASTRODAO
So, we are issuing a creative bounty of 10 Near for the design of this flag.

Gambiarra is about reinventing yourself and improvising. It is the improvised solution to solve a problem or to remedy an emergency situation.

Feel free to create and unleash your imagination.

One final flag will be chosen

10 Near

This bounty is open to all designers.
Just drop the Flag in the comments and we will choose the best set on February 27, 2022.
If you are the winner, you will give us the right to use this Flag in any way we want, even commercially.

Any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below or on our Discord


What kind of flag is it? Has a theme or concept?


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Feel free to propose.
Our theme is the name of ojr DAO

Gambiarra is about reinventing yourself and improvising. It is the improvised solution to solve a problem or to remedy an emergency situation.


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Alright ill Try my best :relaxed::relaxed::pray::pray:

good morning/evening, my participation.
Hope you like it.


Here are my options for “flags”


Hello everyone
I would like to thank everyone who signed up for our bounty to create a new Tipography for Gambiarra Dao
We will announce the winners soon
Thank you

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Hi everyone,

I didnt understud at first, but now i get it!

I did the flag for our new DAO:

When you mannage a DAO, you have this options to select logo and flag.

Notice that the right image is what the user actualy see besides the Poll, that shows just a middle part of the full image; and also the DAO logo appears on the middle right of the flag.

here is at Gambiarra DAO´s page

As you can see, the Profile Picture is showed on the on the middle right of the flag

Not sure if i was the only one lost, but maybe some tip´s for learners like me :slight_smile:

Hello @blusw I didn’t understand as well…
this was a bounty for Gambiarra Dao. Which was already closed.
Did you make a flag for gambiarra?

Im just sharing that i finnaly discovered what is a Flag in this context

I didnt submitted also because i didnt get it at first.

Maybe this information can be useful in future Bounties on Future DAOs


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Hello @Japajou I’m happy to let you know that your flag it’s the selected to represent Gambiarra DAO!

Please send your flag to my email filmesdeinfiltracao@gmail.com

After that, you can go to ASTRO and ask for your payout!


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I want to thank you for the opportunity and say that I was very happy to know the result. Congratulations to everyone who participated too, it was really cool! thanks bro!

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Thank you @blusw for your explanation about changing the flags and logos!
The information is super useful !


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