[ APPROVED] YOUNG FRESH DAO - JULY 2022 Funding Request [Overview]

Dao Name: Young fresh dao
Youngfreshdao june report


Workers ( W3 music)

Target : youngfresh.sputnik-dao.near

No . Projects. Budget
  1. | Smile Selfie Challenge | 130$ |
    2.| Rhythymic Circle | 960$|
    3.| W3 Music milestone 1 & 2| 2000$|
    4.| Open call for songwriters and poet |250$|
    5.| Young Fresh Tv | 100$|
    6.| Near drop links| 120$|
    7.| Break down of council work in details |1440$|
    8.| Total Budget| 5000$

Metrics to measure success for this month activities

*Host a physical event to connect musicians in nigeria community

  • educate members on the importance of being part of a community and engaging in community activities at the event

*mint 10 nfts from selfie challenge and songwriters competition

  • Make on chain community members votes on bounty

*delivery of logo and landing page of W3 music

  • creation of 100 new wallets

  • 70 new subscribers on youtube

*70 new neareans in our community.

Tagging @creativesdao-council for visibility


tagging @creativesdao-council for visibility

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Hello @larkim. Happy to say that this proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, and it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao , so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts .


Thank you @creativesdao-council for your support. We are happy to work. Thank you @FritzWorm @williamx @ted.iv @hevertonharieno .