[APPROVED] Smart Contract Security Auditing Proposal - 10 marmaj blog bounty

  • What project you are requesting funds for. (This should be the title of the post)
    Research Summary for the Marma J community.

  • Your name, NEAR account, and the timeline you are requesting funding for.
    Max, maxgrok.near , within a day or two of publishing the blog post.

  • The address that will be the “target” of the payout proposal.
    Address: maxgrok.eth

  • Total Requested Funding Amount
    10 Marmaj

  • What tasks the funds are required for (Outlined with as much detail as possible. Please add external links where appropriate).
    The blog post research summary on the Smart Contract Security: A practitioner’s perspective post.

Draft: Smart Contract Security (Max Goodman - RL edits 2021.10.06) - Google Docs

  • Please provide a timeline and milestones for your project.
    The post is slated to be finished today.

  • How the completion of the tasks outlined supports the Marma J community.
    This supports the democratization of knowledge across web3 and provides a public intellectual good for the Marma J community, as well as, more specifically, an intro to the practices of smart contract security auditors.

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Awesome, looking forward to having this on the marmaj blog.

Once the post is live on the Smart Contract Research Forum please add a link from the forum to this proposal.

@bianca will use the final draft there to get the blog post published :ok_hand:t4:.

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@maxgrok @chloe

Update: The final research paper has been added to the Marma J Blog: https://marmaj.org/research-summary-smart-contract-security-a-practitioners-perspective-2021/