Announcing NEAR workshops

Howdy everybody, Shot here with Banyan Collective + OnboardDAO. Proud to announce the formation of NEAR Workshops!


  • The main focus of NEARWorkshops is to produce workshops that are developer focused and that helps users get onboarded to the ecosystem.
  • Host live sessions for the public to engage with experts
  • Produce free content available on platforms like youtube with relevant documentation for people to start learning and pipeline to proper NEAR education verticals


Lately, I’ve been primarily working with Builder Groups to help projects scale (more on this to be announced but if you are a builder, founder, or technical PM, join the respective builder group here ( For our meetings we are also making sessions publicly available. Weekly calls are like an ecosystem Scrum for the respective verticals where our main objective is to build open sourcing tooling and push NEPs. Its a no-brainer to host workshops since we interface with alot of builders who are eager to teach others the new tech they are building. From starting NEAR Hacks, working with builders, and organizing workshops for the Minority Programmers, I found hosting public workshops is one of the easiest ways for me to learn, engage the community, and produce relevant content that people can develop for years to come.

The main reason to make this post is not funding but awareness. What I need is projects to schedule workshops, people to recommend projects to highlight and fellow co-host to help engage and create content.

Additionally, there are alot of twitter spaces going on, but people catch watch twitter spaces or have the opportunity to learn lectures, look at documentation, etc. This is for more engaged learning with the opportunity for the public to join and ask experts live.

:pray:t5: Who I Am Inspired By

There are already a lot of resources out there and people who are creating content in this ecosystem that I absolutely admire.

:calendar: Schedule A Workshop Today

Before you schedule a workshop, please contact me and lets engage. I do not want to be spammed and shilled, I want to highlight really cool projects on NEAR ecosystem.

Point of Contact: Shot tg; @ codegoon

To have a workshops

  • → after booking, a zoom registration link will be made, with a graphic, and published on social media and a shortlink → (registration link) will be made
  • The workshop will be recorded and shared on social media within a day of the workshop

Additionally some content also may be produced via NEAR HACKS our traveling hackerhouse/hackathon series we started back in May and some content may be me just going over topics Moreover, we have an internal ambassadors program where we teach each other NEAR concepts, test new dApps, as a moral informal group of friends at Banyan. If you would like to get on a call, and join a peer group like this let us know and we’d love to get you involved.

:bulb: Potential Workshops

Reach out if you want to do a workshop!

  •, building on top of Ref, using Ref
  • Keypom, Keypom SDK
  • PipespeakAPI
  • NEARBlocksAPI
  • IBC on NEAR
  • Building A Widget on NEAR.Social
  • Using Social DB
  • Liquid Staking
  • Mintbase SDK
  • Using Pagoda Developer Console
  • Tonic Orderbook API
  • Creating a Testnet DAO on AstroDAO
  • Multicall for DAOs
  • Building A Discord Bot on NEAR
  • Web4 /
  • Rentable NFTs with NiftyRent
  • Integrating Wallet Selector, Localizing Wallet Selector
  • Editing the BOS VM

Examples of Technical Workshops

  • Building on Top of ___ SDK
  • A Look at x Smart Contracts
  • Creating An Account on ____

:white_check_mark: Completed Workshops

:eyes: Upcoming

:point_down:t3: Please comment below with any workshop recommendations or if you want to get involved!


This Thursday at 1PM EST, tradeport/Byzantion API workshop


Great initiatives ! Happy building :muscle:

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Byzantion/Tradeport Workshop Here Tradeport + Byzantion API: One API for All Your NEAR NFT Indexing Needs - YouTube

Also, and NotifiSDK next week

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Link for ChatMe workshop next Tuesday [🔗]


Link for Notifi SDK workshop next Friday [🔗]


This was really good, looking forward to more educational engagements Recording here ChatMe: Messaging & Public Chats on NEAR - YouTube

Notifi Workshop Recording Live Here Notifi SDK: Integrating SMS/Email/Telegram Notifications into Your NEAR dApp - YouTube

HIdeYour.Cash Workshop: Private Transactions on NEAR HIdeYour.Cash Workshop: Private Transactions on NEAR - YouTube

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FIrst NEAR workshop with Quicknode

WELLDONE CODE: Deploy & Writing NEAR Smart Contracts on REMIX IDE

Another Workshop with Web3 Client Next Thursday

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