SANDBOX [JANUARY] REWARD CLAIM [BABUX#7714] Near Wallet [babux.near]

Claim 1
Create a new channel: 3$
Provide the link to the end result:

Claim 2
Social Media Near Force
Briefly describe the Activity: Sustain your channel: grow your followers, posting updates/News/Comments. Also promotes the Ecosystem related post.
Occasional tweets: $50
Provide the link to the end result:

Claim 3
Type Of Activity: Simple design
Briefly Describe The Activity: Create 14 simple designs

Estimated rewards: 14x5:70$

Claim 4
Type Of Activity: Infographics
Briefly Describe The Activity: Create 8 action or sequence infographics
Link Provided to the end result:

Estimated rewards: 8x10:80$

Claim 5
Type Of Activity:Write an article about Near (minimum 500 words)
Link Provided to the end result:

Estimated rewards: 3x40:120$

Total estimated rewards: 3+50+70+80+120=323$

Thank you for viewing, keep up the good work <3