:grinning: great questions.

  • They will work in two ways, under the umbrella of the VR DAO, which means 3XR and support for bounties, and they will be ready and available to support other DAO’s projects. This means sometimes they will work together (for example, @sainthiago is developing an incredible tool [hackathon] which I was able to see, and I’m sure in both that platform and in 3XR sound will be an important feature), and sometimes they will work apart.

  • Plans to collaborate are of supreme importance, even if those collaborations are not set on stone yet. That is actually why they are needed! There is a clear lack of support, from devs and technical oriented people, in some of the projects in our ecosystem. We want to change that!

  • The developer was onboarded with a handful of tasks to perform, already :stuck_out_tongue: Look at this example: [CLOSED BOUNTY] Provide feedback about the VR related technologies in the Near ecosystem - 10$ - #22 by microchipgnu We were able, with this bounty, to collect strong feedback from the community regarding the 3XR experience, and Mintbase in general. Those tasks need someone to focus and work on them. That does not mean, at all, that we have tunnel vision, and that’s why, right now, the council for the VR DAO has people from diverse backgrounds. Artists, a writer ( :stuck_out_tongue: ), curators, researchers, etc. We expect the Dev (and the Sound Designer) to be excited to work with the community in all kinds of projects - that way we (and they) also keep growing.

  • The answer to the last question I feel is best explained by the math provided in the original post. Guaranteeing this kind of talent is outside the realm of possibility for a single DAO (not counting Verticals), with the 5$k cap. And the scope of the projects are too permanent, too wide, too complex, to keep that talent engaged if we don’t offer some sort of stability. If we engage with them on a project by project system, we lose their ability to plan ahead.

  • We hope, in the future, and with the help of this and other talented people, to generate revenue and depend less and less on the Creatives DAO support, but for now, for all reasons stated above, I (and I think all the members in the VR DAO and the community at large) would love to see this happen.

Hope this answers in a sufficient manner all your concerns :robot: :robot: