Proponent: Metaverse DAO
NEAR account for payment: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Project Timeline: March 5th – 31th
Highlights: We’ve put the resources in the liquidity pool, but as no one submitted to the project, we spent more 150 usd in dai that was going to the project in order to put it in the liquidity pool. We used this opportunity to give 10 metacoin for 10 DAOs that had some kind of contact with Metaverse DAO. This is a way to allow DAOs to use the Decentralized Project too. There is left 50 usd in dai in the treasury concerning this project.
Learnings: We learnt we have to make more publicizing, in order for the people to submit to the project.
**Next Steps: to publicize the project also to the DAOs to which we gave metacoins, and ask them submit and to vote.