[Approved] Curating proposal for FEMINU DAO art events in September 22

Project Report: Curating proposal for FEMINU DAO art events in September 22

Project Status: In exhibition

Proponent: Ghini

NEAR account for payment:


**Last report:**Concluded: Curating proposal for FEMINU DAO art events in August 22 - #2 by Ghini

The work of curation was done in the last month, providing a great movement on the ecosystem with many onboardings, mints and the excellent metrics shows that we went far beyond all our expectations.


The goal of this proposal was to continue the curatorial work and the cultural events to be developed by FEMINU DAO as usual. This month we’ll have an important exhibition in the Aquarium FEMINU, also including reform in the Gallery building, so the meta-architectural work will happen as a significant task which has always required many hours of work, to better receive the events


The curatorial work set up 4 great exhibitions.



Link to Voxels FEMINU Gallery: Voxels

For the first time we had to postpone the opening of our exhibitions twice due to technical problems in Voxels that lasted many days with regard to the loading of images as evidenced by the screenshots below of conversations in the Voxels Discord and the real-time control provided by the system of this metaverse:

Finally we were able to realize the October events, which are:

1 - Before Art - the first exhibition of Indigenous women artists who entered the near especially for this exhibition. I did a work with graphics within the indigenous theme, in the largest room of the gallery.

2 - FEMINU DAO Honors: This month “FEMINU HONORS” had payed tribute to the first DAO to promote female participation in the crypto art universe - INA DAO. As the curator, I choose the arts that were bought by FEMINU and then assemble the exhibition in the top floor of our Gallery. Ten works were exhibited, of which nine were bought, totaling 195, The difference to complete the 200 USD of the project went to the reserve fund. I also did the flyer at no cost and minted it.

3 - Bounty Traces:

This bounty had 413 views and the “Traces Exhibition” was assembly in the same floor as “Before Art”. We had 10 winners chosen by @cleusaraven and the all received 10USD each.

4 - Multi Collab - This meaningful exhibition involved 8 artists, including the organizers, who worked in collab, bringing together artists of different techniques. The installation was in the room overlooking the patio where the opening party took place.

5 - SONORO: uma outra perspectiva: since there was enough space in the building, I decided to postpone the closing of this historic exhibition so that people who did not have the opportunity could visit it.

Project highlights:

  • The visual graphism work for the exhibition of the indigenous artists
  • The metrics of success again were quite good
  • The meta architectural work has transformed the aquarium into a very large space, providing the building with more integration between floors and exhibitions.
  • The 220 visitors in the opening day and the parcel entry again in the Voxels trending ranking as one of the top 20 most visited parcels of the week.

Metrics of success:

The exhibitions were a success as we can see in the following metrics:

The 220 visitors in the opening day and the 300 visitors counting the first 3 days, after the opening , contributed for the parcel entry again in the Voxels trending ranking as one of the top 20 most visited parcels of the week and that is quite an achievement for an event in that metaverse, contributing for the dissemination of the NEAR brand!



ORGANIZATION of 4 exhibitions




Budget: 500 USD required

paid to ghini.near

Next steps:

  • make spaces to eternalize the exhibitions
  • to continue the research of new Near artists, showing them in the gallery
  • improve the building in order to make it more and more attractive and functional