[Approved] Bringing Art to The NFT Space


The Afrikan Artiste Empowerment Program was a success! I am glad myself and my uncle was able to impart our knowledge greatly. Check out how it went here

We successfully achieved the following

1.Created an Afrikan Art Collection store on mintbase

2.How to make unique Afrikan art that tells a story and sheds more light in the history and treasures in the continent.

3.Opened 10 near wallet

4.Onboarded 10 Afrikan Artistes

5.Introduced them to Near protocol and it’s attributes with a one on one class.

6.Introduced trainee to mintbase and it’s attributes

7.How to use Astrodao to request for their bounty

We also plan to make this training an event on Metaverse Cryptovoxel this week/next week.

@marianeu @LuisInfante @reginamintbase @caromintbase

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